Community Council

What is a Community Council?

Scotland set up this most local tier of government several years ago and Furnace is one of 56 in the Argyll and Bute Council area.

Here we discuss many and varied issues which affect the village and its residents. Regular items, for example, are the environment (we organise regular village cleanups), planning issues, roads, and other infrastructure issues. Working closely with our local councillors we have been able to get roads resurfaced, introduce speed limits etc.

The council also receives funding from the An Suidhe Windfarm Trust which enables us to fund small projects within the community up to £250 each – to a total of £1,000 each year.

When do we Meet?

The community council usually meets on the 4th Thursday of the month at 7.30pm in Furnace Village Hall. All meetings are open to residents and minutes of the meetings are posted here, on the village notice board outside the hall and on the Everything Furnace Facebook page. A local councillor and representation from the police do try and attend.

Community Council Members

Every 4 years residents elect Community Council members with up to two co-optees allowed to swell the ranks and learn the ropes.

2023 Minutes

January 26th 2023


March 30th 2023

April 27th 2023

May 25th 2023

June 29th 2023

July 27th 2023

August 31st 2023

September 28th 2023

October 26th 2023

November 30th 2023

January 25th 2024

February 29/01/2024

March 28th 2024

April 25th 2024

May 30th 2024

June 27th 2024

July 25th 2024

August 28th 2024

2022 Minutes

2021 Minutes

2020 Minutes

2019 Minutes