Things had to be done a bit differently this year, thanks to Covid-19. Not to be deterred we held our craft day – in the garden on Sunday 26th April. Last year we hosted our first Craft Day. It was a huge success. For obvious reasons we couldn’t hold this years event on the same scale taking over the village hall and surrounds. Instead many residents ‘Yarn Bombed’ their garden. Creating a lot of colour and a festive spirit. Scarecrows seemed a popular theme – many causing huge amount of laughter. Rainbows, crochet, knitted or even made of pom poms showed support for key workers and were spotted on trees and in hedges and the sides of houses. Other whimsical follies were scattered throughout the village creating many a laugh, and smile as well as being real conversation starters (all held at at least 2 metres) between neighbors and friends as they took their daily exercise. So many contributed and enjoyed being part of a day that broke the monotony of lockdown – in style. Our next Craft Day will be on April 25th 2021.