Furnace Village Craft Club started in 2018. The idea was to bring ‘like-minded’ village folk who enjoy a wee bit of a knit and blether together every other week. New skills are picked up, ideas exchanged and friendships formed.

All crafts are welcomed and members, from time to time, will share a skill. We have in the past learnt how to make candles, paper snowflakes, soap, print and feltmaking by our talented members.
We have both a pattern and an equipment library open to members as well as bags of donated wool ready for personal or community projects.
We are also responsible for the annual Furnace Craft Day. An event at the end of April which sees the village ‘painted with fabric’ for a day of yarn bombing around the village and usually craft stalls in the village hall, all served up with tea and cake.
Post Script. Sadly the craft club was a Covid victim and never got back up and running again. Anyone wishing to kick start this should contact the SCIO.