Furnace Community SCIO 04/04/2021

After a full year of lockdown and only being able to see and talk to folk at a distance, Furnace had an Easter Saturday to remember this year. The SCIO wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support of the Easter Raffle and to those who came to the event outside the village shop.
After raising £600 for the Christmas Raffle, we wondered whether it would too soon to ask for more donations, more raffle ticket buying. It soon became clear that, as always, it wasn’t too much to ask. We raised a magnificent £760!
David and Cindy, super keen as always to help out, said they would host the tombola,(and what a tombola it was!) table top sales and the Easter Egg Hunt for the kids. Not a rep or a customer was allowed out the shop without donating or buying.
Meanwhile the bakers and gardeners of the village and surrounds were busy making delicious cakes for the cake stall. Seeds were planted, nurtured and potted on. Plants were lifted, divided and begged to thrive.
A couple of SCIO members had the unenviable task of separating and folding thousands of raffle tickets.. so much fun!!
And so to the day. Would all that effort be worth it? Would anyone come? Would we be able to raise even more money?
The answer of course was YES! The turnout was amazing, way beyond expectation. Everyone adhered to the Face Mask and No Hugging (So, so difficult)) rules but the smiles as people greeted their friends and neighbours could not be hidden despite the masks. Watching the kids running round looking for Easter eggs and the Golden Egg to win the giant bunny was a joy to see. Everyone attending waited patiently in the queues at all the stalls and no-one minded because the sun shone for us. What a glorious day.
So all the baking and planting and coaxing donations and ticket sales, the sore feet when it was all over… worth every minute.
Overall we raised a magnificent £1923.50
From everyone on the SCIO to all the Furnace Folk & Friends
Thank You – This kind of money is raised only by your huge and continued generosity
All money raised will be going towards the Hall Floor Fund – More news on this coming soon