The sun shone down on Furnace once more for our well-deserved End of Summer Bash – as good a reason for the village to turn out in force as anything recently. With over 200 folk attending the stalls did a roaring trade, and a wide range of produce was on offer from cosmetics, wax melts and Avon toiletries to cream teas, woodcraft, cakes, dog treats, jigsaws and jewellery. Plus the event had Furnace’s very own hairdresser, Lynsey McKinnon on site, cutting hair to raise funds for the school along with Laura Taylor’s wonderful cupcakes. As usual the tombola was a top draw with many happy winners hugging their booty in either bottles or boxes. Outdoor Bingo proved a huge hit too – something we are almost certainly going to repeat at future summer events. And many thanks too to David and Cindy from the Village Shop who ran a street food stall, generously donating all the proceeds from the sales of burgers to the village hall floor fund. In all the day raised £622 to go towards the restoration of the village hall floor, and a jolly good time was had by one and all.
There are many more fund-raising activities being planned over the next few months including a MacMillan Coffee Morning on 16th October, a race and curry night, a cocktail evening, sing-a-long events, a pop-up market in November, and a Christmas Market in December. For more up-to-date info check out the village website and facebook site over the coming weeks and months.